
Thank you for reading my blog. Come back soon, I will new things and always new updates on my blogspot. Thanks.

Thursday, December 17, 2009

Saturday, December 12, 2009

SOrry again

hey sorry i havent been getting on latley i just havent really had time and i love facebook and u should get one if u dont talk ur parents into it and oi lovve it me bethany elain and shelby babrer has one and we lpove it i get on there like every night if i have a chance and i love to talk to my friends and always have a great time and never talk mean or anything gtg lovwe who reads my blog gtg bye

Thursday, December 3, 2009

Not the 1st Time

i havent been getting on my blog cause i have a facebook and i probalry wont get on my blog that often cause im to bussy on facebook if u want to catch me o facebook get a facebook lol

Saturday, November 28, 2009


Hey im at bethanys house right niw and were having fun,,,bye

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

It Is Time All READY!!!!

Guess What....Shelby gets to come over to my house this weekend and We are  going to watch The Blind Side and NEW MOON!!!! Im so excited cause I cait wait to watch New Moon!!!!..and I was soposed to have a picture of me and shelby on here but my computer wont dowlaid it and if it does I will put It on here okkk!!!!...im so excited gtg!!

Countdown 2 CHRITSMAS


Tuesday, November 17, 2009

The Time Is Coming......!!!.....

I made myself a snowball..
As perfect as it could be...
I thought I'd keep it as a pet..
And let it sleep with me.
I made it some PJ'S..
And a pillow for it's cold,cold,wet head..
Then last night...
But first IT WET THE BED!!!

~You have just been hit with my blogspot snowball fight snowball!!!

It's the start of.....THE SNOW BALL FIGHT OF 2009--2010
Can not hit ANYBODY else after you get on my Blog!!! HO,HO,HO!!!

We don't stop playing because we are older and grow older...
We grow older and be older because we STOP PLAYING!!!...


I love SNOW, I love CHRISTMAS,and most of all I LOVE IT ALL!

I'm going to start updating on my blog:The count down to christmas Eve and Day!! I cant wait until christmas!! Check out my bog and you will know how many  days until christmas! I'm so excited!!! If you want me to contuine this with other holidays, like valintines day, easter, or Birthdays and any othe special events...!!! Comment on my blog and tell me yes or no, why or why not, and why you want me to start doing this more often!!! I really love updating on my blog! The people who doesn't have a blog needs to get one and It really  makes me feel good (be)cause I can share my things, email, and pictures. I have on my account and my email! When people  omment, It shows me that they truley reads and loves my blogspot!!!Also my music inspried me by my 2 awsome friends Shelby Barber, and of course Rebecca Reagan...And some(a lil bit) of Bethany Young....

Just remember people CHRISTMAS IS ALMOST HERE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Monday, November 16, 2009

If You Got A Facebook.....

Hey whats up....If u have a facebook..You need to get on it and be my moms friend where i can chat with   you guys!!! That is all i want to say

Friday, November 13, 2009



Thursday, November 12, 2009


I think when a dog speks to us...It is saying you dont have to be crazy to be my friend but it sur would help and I think thats cute..
Now when 2 dogs say GOOD MORNING  it  really  beatsbeing a friend with a dog...and i luv u.....good morning

Tuesday, November 10, 2009


Im going to put new polls up and VOTE PEOPLE

Sunday, November 8, 2009

Alot of Things just put together!!!!!!!!!!!!

Hey....Im at my sisters right now and I love it!!!!! I cant beleive that my mom is letting me spend the night with her on sunday and we all know thats a school night!!!...any--who.....I have been posting late and sorry..I never get on the computer alot anymore....And this morning I was going to post are spelling words that we had to study but The internet wasn't working :(......So now im still writing and Im REALLY REALLY REALLY hot tand all sweaty.....I love to spend the night with my sister because she really can make a person laugh every once-an-a-while. Anyway Im having so much fun and I love to see my sister and I never get to come and see her or spend the night with her... She has mimi laptop, a desktop computer that im tipeing on and she has a big laptop that is with Jeff Holt in Utah!!! He is in the army and I would like to say for the people who read my blog,...to pray for him cause he is going to Iraq or the other  place they go and I just want him to stay in our heart......This is the longest thing I ha(d)ve every writen in my life and Im so happy and like I said I love my sister half to deaf or to deaf anywayIluv you guys/people who read my blog/and my followers and every body peaceout

Thursday, November 5, 2009

Bored With Life

Hey whats up ..Im so bored and Te boys won the ballgame and The girls lost.........They will do better next time and I think I will stop writing now so bye

Ball-Game Tonight....

Hey.... Whats up people.. We have a ball game tonight and I am going to cheer at it with all the other cheerleaders....It will be so much fun and I want to pray for Julie Denney are  coach because next Monday she is having surgey on her knee and Keep her in your mind please...

Worst Day Every At School....

Hey. Today I had the worst day every and I just wanted you guys who reads my blog to know...

New Post

this was me last halloween     but I didnt dress up for halloween

Saturday, October 31, 2009

Its is Finally Here

Hey...Whats up and sorry I havent been posting in a while !!!! Tonight I went with my sister, jeff, gracie, and carson to go trick or treating....It was soo much fun and I sat in the car and sometimes got out...  so happy HALLOWEEN!!!!

Thursday, October 29, 2009


Hey what's up. Sorry I haven't been posting lately...I really haven't had time. I have been lots of cheerleading.  Here are the new spelling words for this friday. But we are having it Monday so far as I know. The reason were having it Monday is because are halloween party is Friday. I will post the spelling word when I get home and just to give u guys a head up on homework---

reading--study spelling words and figureritive laungue notes
math--(only if your in 3rd period) do your worksheet she gave us and it is due to tommrow
english--(only 4th period only) if you wasn't here yesterday, you have a 2005-2006 writing prompt to do
science-- you questions to do and I will give you the page numbers....pg. 133(1,2,3,4,5,7)
pg. 141(3,4,5,6,9,10,11.12)
pg. 144(4-14)
and pg. 145(18-22)

Here are the Spelling Words--

Saturday, October 24, 2009

Thursday or Friday a band came to our school!!! It was so total awsome!! The played awsome music!!!! I liked the singer and drummer best!! But for bethany not so much......As you can see in this picture, Bethany has a new boyfriend!!(lol) He,the singer, went to the crowd and picked bethany out of the hole SCHOOL!!! Ever body started laughing......Me, Shelby, Rebecca, Eliana, Dalton, and Noah cracked up!!!.....She even didnt have time to take her jacket off either!!..:-)! I t was at the end of the day and THEY WHERE SUPER LOUD!!!! But I had a grat time

BFF party

Last  night rebecca, bethany, and shelby spent the night and we had the time ever!! On the far left is me, in the midde is bethany and shelby, then on the far right is rebecca!!! Iit was really  fun!! Me and Rebecca was the first ones to go to bed and Bethany and Shelby went to bed last!! We watched wighlight last night nd thats why me and Rebecca went to sleep......:-) This morning when I woke up, every body was still asleep!! Then shelby woke up!! Then rebecca woke up and then Bethany woke up!!! I was going to draw on bethany but she keep wipeing it off of her face!!! Then about 9:45, Shelby left then about 10:30, Rebecca and Bethany left together!!! We had so much fun!! 

Shelby and Bethany are very good freinds!!!
We are so silly there!!Dont even ask!!!

Thursday, October 22, 2009

Fall Bash

Hey!!!  I have alittle  update if you didnt go to church last night:

Bloomingtom Christan Church
Friday.October 30th 6pm-9pm
Everyone invited to attend our

Costume judging begins at 6:15pm. We will have games, door prizes, food, and fun!!! Costumes are optional. We have combind our school kick-off and costume party for one big bash

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

New Updates and New Spelling Words

Hey everybody!! Fall Break is over:-[!! We went back to school on Monday and I had a greta day back at school!! And just to let every one know, WE ARE HAVING ARE SCIENCE TEST MONDAY(i)(s)(h)!! Here is the homework for tonight-
reading-study spelling words if you are not a good speller ever night (if you are a good speller study them still Wen.,and Thurs.!
math-(if your in 3rd period math class)we had to do L 1-3(just even only) (pg.20) 1-15 and (pg.22) 66-70
english-(if your in 4th period english only)MAKE SURE YOU HAVE ALL YOUR CORECCTION(s) MADE!!
science-make sure you read your study every night

Here Are The Spelling Words For Today


Saturday, October 17, 2009

Fall is Finally Here

Hey! Fall is finally here!! I have took some pics. of my house,around it,and I want you guys to see them!!

Fall Fall Fall is here,It is time to jump and cheer, Have a nice time tonight and wake up and have a nice delight tomorrow and rememer FALL FALL FALL IS HERE,IT IS TIME  TO JUMP AND CHEER

Friday, October 16, 2009


Whats up!!! Who is a MJ fan??? Well if your a MJ fan, a real MJ fan, you will know these questions!!!
1.What is MJ's full name?
2.What year was he born and died?
3.What was MJ's  top hit?( thriller or beat it)
4.Who is the biggest MJ fan ever?(megan or megan)
5.Why did he turn black to white?
Thanks for reading  my blog!!!

Fall Break Is Almost Over

Hey whats up peoPle!! Sorry I havent been posting latley!!! As  you all know on Monday we have to go back to  school again!!! I have a great time!!!

Saturday, October 10, 2009

What Happen At The MJ Scene At Shelbys House!!! (lLOL)

    Hey whats up people! Im so glad it is FALL BREAK!!!! Last night I spent the night at Shelby's house!! Of course im still here!!!! As you know everybody loves MJ!!! Me, Shelby, Luke, Dylan(Shelby's brothers), and Julia (thier mom) watched the song Thriller by MJ on youtube and we about freaked out!!! Luke and Dylan was also scared!!!!! Me and Shelby were scared,too!!!KINDA SCARED!!! Julia was sitting on the couch laughing her head off!!! It was a GREAT  start for FALL BREAK/THE GREATEST WEEK EVER!!!!!!!

Friday, October 9, 2009

Funnest Night Eva

Hey whats up people!!! Im over at Shelbys house and it is pretty much a sleep over

Wednesday, October 7, 2009


Whats up  people!!! Im just checking on my blog to make sure that people have been leaving comments!!

Monday, October 5, 2009



Sorry I havent been updating

hey whats up people! Sorry I havent been updating lately!!!! and I have changed my mind! I want to dress up for halloween.

Thursday, October 1, 2009


Hey! Im back and putting more stuff one my blog!! As you know I do updates pretty often....Well know I am going to be doing these things called shout outs!! I will say  for the name Shout out for whatever is happening the next day or week or month or year!!! So check out my blog for shoutouts and new updates!!!!!

Any way what I was going to tell you is, Remember to study for the spelling test tommrow!!!
Every body should make 90 or above!!

New page and updates

hey whats up people!! As you guys know it is getting close and closer to halloween!! Im not dressing up!! And  I need to but Im not!! Now, as you can see I went to the cutest blog on the block.com and got me a new back ground!! Im so happy!!

Monday, September 28, 2009

New spelling words for this week

  1. fearless
  2. requirement
  3. extremely
  4. reconsider
  5. thoughtfulness
  6. inability
  7. disappointment
  8. unexected
  9. surname
  10. alphabetical
  11. reappearance
  12. surpringly
  13. agreeable
  14. regardless
  15. unemotional
  16. adventuresome
  17. thoughtless
  18. underestimate
  19. improvement
  20. emotional
This is are spelling words for this week.. remember to study every night if your not the best speller in the world!!! If you are a good speller , you stll need to study!!

Sunday, September 27, 2009

what I made on ur spelling bee!!!??

Hey people whats up.. I made a 97 on the spelling bee.. Ya! Shelby C. made a 100.
She won both rounds. 1st and 2nd!! The good thing is nobody failed and nobody made below 90...thats very good!!!! I will be posting the new spelling words on here tommrrow!! sorry we havent had in any so far...sorry and thanks for reading my blog

Thursday, September 24, 2009


Hey whats people!!Savannah here! We have  a spelling bee tommrrow!!!! Make shure you study.. It is units 1-5 only!!
It is not a spelling test it is a spelling bee...!!!

I just wanted to remind you guess about  it where you wouldn't 4-get it!!(lol)(cause i would 4-get it not you guys)
Remember 2 study !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

(My colors are black and yeellow like a bee!!... get it)  (lol)

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

New update

Whats up peope. Sorry I  havent been updating my blog. Today in school, in Mrs. Meltons room we went outside and labeled and drawed a flower from our science book. I think R.J Conners was the best in our class. In the other class I  think the best one was Bethany Young. If you want to check them out on Mrs. Meltons blog, it is science102.blogspot.com. So leave me a comment saying who do u thinks was the best flower . And by the way I havent been posting spelling words on ther because we havent had any new ones. We have to study all 5 units now . Everybody might want to keep up with the spelling words you right down.!.....Savannah Tompkins

Sunday, September 20, 2009

what is ur fav. song

hey people savannah again.........what  is your favorite song~!...mine is Ive Got a Feeling......post me a comment on my blog on what your favorie song

Saturday, September 19, 2009

New Update

Hey whats up people savannah here!!.....I got some new pictures and the spelling words for Mrs.Dowdys class , i will be posting them on my blog were i wont even for get them my self!!(lol)

Check out my blog for updates and new spelling words!!!



Last night or yesterday was  Shelby Clayborns b-day and I would like to wish her a very happy b-day!!

Thursday, September 17, 2009

Queistion about the my blog

Hey its me again and i havea a couple quiestions about the or my blog.....

  1. How do you get glitter graphics on there?
  2. How do you get the music on there?
  3. How do you change the back groung of your blog spot or blog?
  4. If you stayed signed in  will or can other people get on your blog and change everything or anything?
  5. How do you get people to be your followers?
  6. How do you put your pictures on the other side of the page like shelby barber does?(i guess she is magic or something)
  7. How do you add other people to your blog where you dont have to tipe there user name out on the top of the cumputer page and have them on your exact page?
Sorry im so bad and really sorry bout the horrible blog so far...!!..
i told you i had some queistions...

THE  way to answers these is put when you get on my blog make sure yourr logged in cause it wont let you if you arent and number(#) the queistions what number(#) they are please thank you.....!!!!!!

like i said if you have any answers or queistions about my blog post me a comment and I will answer your queistions ok...!

Thank you every one  who has read or evern heard about my (blog spot)or blog.....

Thank you bloggers

we rock..

oh yeah

New Updates

Hey thanks for answering my queistions!!
I  checked on my blog and some of them was right and some wrong!!
When you get on my blog if you have a blog spot acount you can sign in as one of my followers!!~

Thank you for everything

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

New Updates on [Picture]"s"

I downloaded some new pictures !If you  get on my blog you can set your self as follower and alot of people can do that  !!
  I said who gets on my blog and reads it, I would make new updates sometimes every night... repeating sometimes. post me a comment, only if you have a blog cause it wont let you if you dont!!!

New Updates

Here is a saying i would use.....it is a very good one too....here it goes

    the happiest of people dont necessarily have the best of everything... they just make the most of evrything

New Updates

Tuesday, September 15, 2009


hey whats up... i will be posting all the homework we have on my blog ...where nobody will forget!

New Updates

It was shelbys b-day thursday...Went over to her house and spent the nigtht......At the bottom of the page ..the to last pictures is us..


Monday, September 14, 2009

My Questions

My questions at the side of the page , is some more stuff bout me. Answer these questions and if you get them right i will post a check on ur blog

New On Blog Spot

Hey, My name is savannah. Im new on blogspot. My friends enspired me to do this.
They are Shelby, Bethany, and Rebecca. They are my best friend. My mom and dad is Jeff and Judy. Im so excited to be doing this blog.
Check it out for new updates. I will get on it every night like i do my hotmail.
Post commets on my blog on how you like or dislike it.


Why do people like school?

What is my favorite sport?

Whats my favorite movie?

Whats my favorite color?



its true

its true

I love this picture

I love this picture

It is true people (really share some love and leave a comment)(you guys havent been doing that):+(

It is true people (really share some love and leave a comment)(you guys havent been doing that):+(

Cute sunglasses

Cute sunglasses

Pretty peace on the ocean

Pretty peace on the ocean

Shelby B. dream car

Shelby B. dream car

Wow I have Just Found The Uglyest Cute kitten eva

Wow I have Just Found The Uglyest Cute kitten eva





pretty blue frog

pretty blue frog

Me And Gracie Being Silly

Me And Gracie Being Silly

Shelby silly at my house

Shelby silly at my house

This is a video of flips cool

This is a video of flips cool

Search This Blog

This what the twin towers looked like when or at 9-11

This what the twin towers looked like when or at 9-11


Us going in to atlanta geogia

Us going in to atlanta geogia

picture of georgia

picture of georgia

Me and everybody else shelbys party

Me and everybody else shelbys party